ini dipulikasikan dalam :
The 1st International Conference on Social
Science Education (ICSSE) dengan tema “Multicultural Transformation in
Education, Social Sciences and Wetland Environment”
Lambung Mangkurat
03 – 04 November 2017
(A Case Study of Hoax in Mass Media on Civic Education
Students of Pattimura University )
Godlif Malatuny
of Civic Education, School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education
Email : godlief_malatuny@student.upi.edu
This paper was based on researcher anxiety
of the spread of hoax in mass media in one last decade in Indonesia and in
fact, the citizen had been accustomed from a long time to receive hoax presented by
journalists to mass media. To prevent the trap of hoax, then civic skill is needed
which is formed through mass media literacy as the effective way for each
citizen. This study was aimed to study
mass media literacy as the basis in civic skill formation in students of civic
education in Pattimura University. Mass media literacy become main asset for civic
education students to lead various opinions in mass media so saving their
Civic Education, Civic Skill, Mass Media Literacy
The development in
media convergence make information is spread very fast and cannot be stopped by
each citizen. On one side, the growth of
media is beneficial because the citizen can know the information about
development in many parts of the world, but on the other side, the citizen who
does not possess knowledge about media literacy certainly easily consume hoax. No effort to enhance media literacy means
letting the tyranny and the dumbing down occurred in front of us (Subiakto,
2005: 4). Literacy equip each citizen to think critically, see and
differentiate what is good and what is bad from media (Hobbs, 1998). Media literacy is learning effort for media
public to become public who are able to live in the midst of the world which is
called saturated- media (Iriantara 2009, page 13).
The most fatal
mistake is when someone feeling right with wrong thinking, in the other
word believing information without
confirming is a mistaken thing.
Therefore, knowledge about media literacy must be absolutely possessed
by each citizen. So many news about hoax today is caused by mass media
integrity which is increasingly decreased.
Media integrity in Indonesia as if like tied by a string of very brittle rope. The decrease of media
integrity certainly effect on the roles play by the media itself.
The research
conducted by Sen and Hill (2001: 45) confirmed that condition that, mass media
in Indonesia not reflecting reality, but represent the reality. Because not reflecting the reality, then
media in Indonesia is easily become the instrument to formulate market interest
as thought by the powerful people and not as experienced by citizen in
general. The result of study conducted
by Prasetiyo (2016: 339) showed that “….the role of mass media had been
contaminated by political interest and double standard so only the news which
is profitable for certain people which have big portion in its reporting.”
Subiakto (2005: 3)
stated that media position public as consumer and not as citizen, because the
main goal of media is to give profit to its stakeholder and shareholder, and
not to drive in developing active citizen.
The effect of no public contribution in setting the agenda of media make media
become a disaster (Rakhmawati, 2015:
126). The worsen thing is the
condition of mass media in Indonesia, resemble the flight with turbulence , an
indication of chaos situation with random movement which is not stabile make
the situation become chaos and unpredictable.
Another crucial thing such as the level of
citizen trust on media institution in 2016 tend to decline if compared to in
2015. Based on survey result of Edelman
Trust Barometer shows that the level of citizen trust on media is in the figure
of 63 percent from earlier that is 68 percent.
It is a pity if media which is
considered as credible information source experience is less trusted by
citizen. Undoubtedly, this survey result is correlated with citizen
judgment toward the role of mass media in one last decade that mass media
produce hoax, has low quality, made to become propaganda instrument even
sometimes breaking the law even though
its spread is faster. Reflecting on these various problems, then it is
necessary to equip each citizen with knowledge about media literacy.
Mass media
literacy not only become the focus in developing contemporary citizen, but
should be implemented comprehensively along with civic skill. The author choose civic education students as
subject of study due to their encounter with media contain certain learning
degree about civic issues. Civic
Education students are thought as
important element of young generation.
It is on young generation that the life future of nation is stake
(Suryadi, 2005: 77). Therefore, it is necessary to equip each young generation
with knowledge of media literacy. Due to
intensity of bad news in mass media which is increasingly increased, but less
compensated by understanding that each media message contain manifest and
latent function, then they only become passive media consumer.
The approach used
in this study was qualitative by using case study method. The reason to choose
this approach is to analyze deeply and comprehensively civic skill formation
through mass media literacy. It means that researcher want to analyze deeply
and completely about the matters which become the object of study based on the
facts obtained in field in accord with data analysis result of the study
Creswell (2010:
20) suggested that case study is research strategy in which the researcher
investigate a program, activity, process or a group of individuals
thoroughly. Yin (2011:1) stated that
case study is empirical investigation toward contemporary phenomena in the
context of real life, particularly when the boundary between phenomena and
context is not quite clear. This
approach is strongly emphasize data authentic to explain what is become the
focus of study. This assertion is reasonable, because researcher conducted the
study about Civic Skill Formation Through Mass Media (Case Study of Hoax in Mass
Media on Civic Education Students of
Pattimura University).
Regarding with
that, the researcher use technique such as in-depth interview, observation, and
documentation study in the form of data collection or documentation related to
this study. Researcher held interview
with Civic Education students to find out civic skill formation through mass
media literacy. To obtain clear
and qualified informant in answering the problem of study, researcher used
purposive sampling technique to determine subject or object of study in accord
with the goal of this study itself, by using personal consideration of the
researcher himself in accord with the topic of each problem which want to be answered.
Data was collected by using observation, interview, and documentation study done
by researcher in toward Civic Education students of University of Pattimura,
Categorization and
data grouping process was done in stage based on information from informant and
then is interpreted in theoretical
framework and conceptual perspective in description.
reduction is analysis process to
narrow, categorize, and orient the study result
by focusing on the things which are considered important for the
researcher, in the other word, data reduction is aimed to obtain understanding
about data which had been collected from result of field note by summarizing,
clarifying based on problem and the aspects of problem being studied.
display is a collection of information arranged which will give description of
study completely, in the other word displaying
data in detail and arranging it by searching its relation pattern. Data display which is arranged briefly,
clearly and in detail but completely
will make easier to understand the descriptions of aspects studied both
completely and part by part. Data display next is presented in the form of
essay or report in accord with data of study result obtained.
and Verification
drawing or verification is the effort to search the meaning and explanation
toward the data which had been analyzed by searching the important things. This
conclusion is arranged in the form of easy and brief statement by referring to
the aim of study. These are procedures
the researcher do in conducting this study.
By doing this stages, it is expected that the study done can obtain data
which fulfill the criteria of a study, namely reliable and accountable.
Process of Civic Skill Formation in Civic Education Students Through Mass Media
Each citizen
should enhance intellectual skill through mass media literacy (Cholisin,
2004: 18). Furthermore, Komalasari and
Budiansyah (2008, page 85) asserted that intellectual skill is the most important
part to create a citizen who is knowledgeable
, effective, and responsible such as
critical thinking skill. In addition, to
participate effectively and responsibly in public affairs, it need to possess a
set of knowledge and intellectual skill and
effective and responsible participation skill need to be enhanced further
through dispositions development which enhance individual ability to play role
and in the health political process
(Wahab and Sapriya, 2011: 50).
Media literacy has
inseparable relation to civic skill, complete each other like one coin with two
different faces. Media literacy will
form and support student intellectual and participation skill of Civic
Education students in understanding various information and give contribution
to decision making. The study result
found that, Civic Education students who posses intellectual skill are able to differentiate
the true news and hoax in mass media.
They refer carefully to news sources
which are credible and has legality in Indonesia, such as Metro TV. TV One,
Kompas TV, Net TV, Detik.com, and Ambon Express and Kabar TImur as local print
media in Maluku Province. Doing crosscheck toward the credible news source is
the right and wise step which is done by each media individual.
According to Ennis
(2005), thinking ability aspect is the skill to: (1) determine the credibility
of a source, (2) differentiate between the relevant and the irrelevant, (3)
differentiate the fact from judgment, (4) identify and evaluate unspoken
assumption, (5) identify the existing bias, (6) identity a viewpoint, (7)
evaluate the evident offered to support confession.” Furthermore,
they can differentiate the true news and untrue news (hoax) in mass media by
refer to fact, data, place and time of event, and the actors involved in that
event as the news reported by mass media to public. Correspondence theory assert that if a
statement is not accord with or refer to the valid fact, then this statement
is a lie (Suryadi, 2017). This theory should become preference to each
student of Civic Education when conforming a news.
Meanwhile, active participation of civic education
students in living the life of nation and state is seen from their wise step in posing
question directly through interactive telephone, short message sending, and
send message through email to mass media staff. There are some who visit web,
and use social media, such as facebook or twitter to contact the persons who
report that news in mass media. Their
skill to pose question to mass media not only
limited in direct way. The other
alternative they use is to pose the question indirectly concerning a news
presented by mass media to them. The
question they pose then is answered by themselves based on analysis result of a
news in mass media. Interacting is
responding to another citizen. Interaction
means asking, answer, and negotiating politely (Branson, 1998).
Furthermore, Civic
Education students have been skillful in communicating with mass media, they
often communicate directly with mass media through telephone, email, social
media, visiting web/site of that mass media, even meet directly the journalist
which cover the news to do check and recheck about the truth of a news. Besides, there are some Civic Education
students who choose to communicate with mass media indirectly. They always pose the questions, then they
use the news in mass media to answer various questions they pose. They asked about the truth of a news by
using question words such as what, where, when, who, why and how. Bearing in mind that information in media
mass today give direct effect to public opinion, such as spiral of silence
theory which is proposed by Neumaan (1973: 1980) that mass media has very
strong effect on public opinion.
The categorization
of literacy according to National Leadership Conference on Media Education in
communication level is someone is able to communicate the message received from
media in various forms to the other persons (Hobbs, 1998). This
step had been practiced by civic education students in which they had explained
the news vividly to the other persons.
Importance of Mass Media Literacy for Civic Education Students
As if that the
management staff of mass media in
Indonesia is more responsible to media
owner which invest the capital to media business than the citizen who become
mass media public. Some mass media is
controlled by influential companies. It can strongly determine the choice of
news, the means to deliver it, and the amount of coverage. In general, these companies
aims to get the profit. Because of this
reason, the news which is unprofitable for media owner usually will not be
Therefore, the
activities should be prepared to educate media public to become citizen who is
literate to various news in mass media. Citizen literacy toward various news in
mass media become the main asset to save their commonsense. Basically, this media literacy is learning
effort for media audience so become audience who is able in the midst of the
world called media saturated (Iriantara, 2009: 13), In addition, the important thing is that
media literacy can equip each citizen to be able to reject and control each
danger of bad news presented by mass
media to public. The citizen who receive
the news in mass media always take lesson.
According to
McCombs and Shaws, (1972; 1993) the main
point of agenda-setting theory related to learning function of mass
media. The assumption of this
theory that public not only learn reporting issues, but also
learn how big the importance is given to an issue or topic based on the way of
mass media giving emphasis on that issue or topic. The things which is considered important by
media, then is considered important by public. In the other word, media agenda
then become public agenda.
Students who posses knowledge about
media literacy certainly know agenda of mass media, including hoax presented by
mass media. The study result found that,
media literacy is very important for education students as young generation,
because they are more easier to understand various message from mass media,
filter each news, not consume hoax, think critically and can differentiate hoax
and true news. One important aspect of media literacy is a change of view point
toward mass media (Buckingham, 2001).
One important aspect
of this mass media is s change of view point toward hoax which had been spread
in mass media which must be stopped by
each student of civic education in order not to spread to other persons which
will invoke negative response by them who are still lack of knowledge about media literacy. The
way to stop the hoax is by discussing with other people to open their mind
about the truth of a story and encourage them not to spread it to others.
Another step done
by civic education students is contacting mass media to clarify the bad news they present
on “screen”. Therefore.media literacy reinforcement is needed in order that
there is no more hoax which is like “snowball|” which finally will give large
effect in human life aspects. Mass
media, both electronic and print has educative and non educative function depend on the
message content of information conveyed
(Winataputra, 2012: 36-37). Media
literacy become main asset for civic education students in digesting each
message content of information from mass media.
Media is believed
to has very big power to form opinion and trust, change lifestyle, and form the
attitude based on control of public themselves (Bauer, 1960). More than this, the slogan “back to big power
of mass media” and critical theory which
admit that media has legitimacy power
and control and effected on capitalist and bureaucracy interest (Neumann,
Reflected from
various concepts of mass media above, thus civic education students need to
have control as mass media consumer. One of right action from them toward
various news in mass media is by doing control. This action enable them to
prevent the trap of hoax which will impair their reason, due to massive
intensity of bad news in some decades in our country. Control toward various
news presented by mass media is the wise and right step for each mass media
In addition, they
need to oversee the news in order to lead the true opinion in mass media, but
maintaining the truth of news , and
prevent the spread of bad news. Because the journalist also human, they
can make error unintentionally. Misspelling and grammar error can change the
meaning of a sentence. The certain facts maybe not checked in advance. Because being hurried by the deadline of
publication or printing, they also can do error in typing the number.
Public ability
which needs to be developed in this case is reinforcement in understanding the
media message (literacy). Media literacy in
consumption pattern of popular culture
is a necessity. Public needs to develop their literacy ability as a
bargaining position to demand quality mass media. If media literacy had been deeply rooted in
the mind of Civic Education students. then it will become reinforcement medium
for them to contribute to media agenda, the content of coverage, and regulation
related to media.
The aim of media
literacy is to give public control more
than only interpret media text (Potter, 1008).
Media literacy is not categorization but a series of integration.
Knowledge and skill in media literacy need to be learned and developed. With multimedia
approach, learning tool can be made since early age. Media literacy can be
integrated in educational curriculum.
Hoax is
Digested by Civic Education Students Without Verification
Speaking about
hoax, today hoax become hot issue for mass
media and social media because it is considered make public anxious due to information which cannot be
assured. Hoax is not a new thing.
Similar with good news, resent news, even “mystical” news, hoax has been
existed since people are fond to send news.
This hobby is rooted on human exclusive ability to speak (Suryadi,
Now, hoax always become trending topic in various
mass media and social media because it is considered as one instrument which
can break the unity both among nations and among religious
believers in Indonesia. Hoax grow and become rampant in all Indonesian people. The result is public are increasingly made
confused and ambiguous on how to identify the true news or not hoax. The rapid of communication tool
development make public are easier to acquire various information and news as
much as possible only in short time. But behind this ease, there are much false information spread
and some people believe it as the truth.
Hoax had became
stowaway in reporting in mass media. However, in its history, hoax had became
“stowaway” of democracy (Suryadi, 2017). Multiple verification can prevent
people from the trap of hoax. Unfortunately, each media consumer not use
multiple verification when watching a news which had became main appetite for
them in choosing the need of information. Inevitable, unconsciously they had
became passive media consumer.
The study result
found that Civic Education students as media consumer sometimes are tempted by
hoax in mass media, and unconsciously had drown them into the flow of hoax.
They like the news they choose because the news is interesting, give lesson,
and suited with their hobby. Each student of Civic Education should be more
active to filter and assure that each information stored in their mind is not
hoax. In addition, Civic education
students digest the news without confirmation because the assume that the news
is derived from credible source and supported by facts, but sometimes they do not
confirm the television station which issue that news, even some believe that
the television which issue that news is credible one.
It is a big fool
if one felling true with wrong thinking, believing information without
confirming is a wrong thing, due to integrity of mass media in some decade in
our country is increasingly declined, so we often can witness mass media which had been made to become
instrument of propaganda by certain actors.
Frequently, public
perception is formed by mass media message, the reality description displayed
by news, advertisement and film then form perception of some people on how they
view the real world. According to Baran
(2010, page 311) that we never conscious of what most happened in our brain,
even though this activity often influence our conscious mind, this is not
directly influence another cognitive
process. Our conscious is act to oversee this cognitive activity in highest
level but only give limited and direct control.
Thinking Skill Formation of Civic Education Students Through Mass Media
Possessing critical thinking skill is main asset for each
citizen to lead various opinions in mass media, so the news consumed are really
valid, not contain religious,
racial and tribal issue and intergroup issue even though hoax can
divide the elements of nation. Cogan and
Derricot (1998: 116) stated that globalization challenge in 21st
century demand each citizen to has characteristic, one of them is critical and
systematical thinking ability. Possessing
critical thinking, or skillful thinking ability can build democratic
individual. For example, not getting
used to be open mind is potentially will invoke the conflict with other
people. People who are trained with good
thinking ability, will considered themselves as having best thinking, and
consider that other people have bad thinking.
Be careful, the most fatal accident is feeling right with wrong thinking
(Sudarma, 2013: 35).
Yildirim and Ozkahraman (2011) that:
thinking is the process of searching, obtaining, evaluating, analyzing,
synthesizing and conceptualizing information as a guide for developing one’s
thinking with self-awareness, and the ability to use this information by adding
creativity and taking risk.
In addition, Costa (1985) expressed that critical thinking
is thinking activity through complex thinking
to analyze statement or argument and generalization toward special
meaning and interpretation, through logical reasoning pattern and assumption
Schafersman (1991), someone who think critically will be able to identify the
problem, ask something, give answer/argument, find another information. Skill in interpreting, analyzing, and
evaluating a news to become important indicator for civic education students to
see deeper about the truth of a news in mass media. The
study result found that mass media literacy can make civic education students
to think critically various news in mass media.
When watching the news they always refer to credible news sources in
Indonesia such as TV One, Kompas TV, I-News TV, detik.com which have legality
and its news always refer to fact and data which are the true news source.
Civic education
students who are smart and careful always doing check, recheck, and crosscheck.
The true news certainly is tested even conformed by another sources. Then they compare the title and content of
each news from these various medias. This effort also can be done by seeing
whether or not that media has valid legality, usually stand out under CE or PT which
has been registered in Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Lie is indeed
anxious even can harm public interest,
because hoax can result in slander. As proverb say that slander is
crueler than murder. Therefore, a person
who make and spread hoax is the one who has bad behavior. Furthermore,
a true news source always report its news in detail, such as cover the fact,
data, the place of event, time and had based on confirmation result which has
valid information. The credible source news report the news with certain
condition, so the information is deserved as a news. These conditions are: news
should be fact, news is current event (had not occurred), news should be
balanced, should be complete (contain all elements of news), should be
interesting and beneficial and arranged systematically.
Civic education
students view that the topic of true
news has clear fact, data and source. In
addition, the topic of true news not push aside
someone into awkward position even though it should report a murder case of
someone. The news which perceive reader response contain humane value such as
not contain negative sentence and multi interpretation. Meanwhile, civic education students think that the content of true news should contain fact and data, besides clear
news source. The content of true news is the news containing fact, data, and
not idea containing fake fact and data.
Furthermore. mass
media literacy can enhance skill of
analyzing to investigate the truth of the news presented by mass media. They always compare the news sources in
another mass media. They seek another
news source which has similar theme. Usually
the actual and factual news is available in some credible print media and
portals. In addition, civic education students judgment toward a true news in
mass media is that this news should contain fact, its source should be credible
and accountable. Interestingly, there are some students who
stated that press is public representative, so when the news conveyed is wrong
then it become “bitter medicine” for public.
If the news conveyed by mass media is true, then it will become “fresh
wind” for the public who consume it.
Public response to a news is important to
measure the effectiveness of message conveyed by mass media to public.
Furthermore, civic education students conclude a news in mass media as having
fact, data and clear news source. They
more refer to fact and data collected from mass media source to find out which
is concrete and which is not and not based on certain interest so they can
consume it. Meanwhile, some informants more emphasize
on topic and content which is more related to the fact in field. This step is in accord with Branson (1999)
that the ability to analyze it will enable someone to differentiate between
fact and opinion and between means and end.
It is important to
shift the focus and to manage and evaluate the conveying of media content in information
so critical thinking toward media
content will be created (Sepherd, 2003).
A citizen can be said think critically if she or he is able to test
his/her experience, evaluate knowledge, ideas and consider the argument before
obtaining justification (Fisher, in Ismaimuza, 2010).
Based on study
result and discussion which had been explained above, then the researcher draw
conclusion as follow:
The process of civic skill formation of
students of Pattimura University through mass media literacy is effective to
develop two components of civic skill namely intellectual skill and
participatory skill, so civic education students who have intellectual skill
are able to differentiate the true news with untrue news or hoax, able to
clarify a news. and respond wisely the true news and hoax in mass media. In addition, participatory skill of civic
education students is very clearly seen in which they choose to communicate
with mass media to assure the truth of the news, and explain the true news in
mass media to other people who had not understand it comprehensively.
Mass media literacy is important for civic
education students as main asset for them to prevent the trap of hoax which
sometimes inserted behind the news reporting in mass media, to stop media catastrophe, and as control instrument toward various
messages in mass media.
Hoax is digested by civic education students
without verification, because they had believed that this news come from
credible source. However, they like,
satisfied and happy with the news they choose with the reason that the news is
actual, give knowledge, and meet their need of information so the news is deserved
to be consumed by them.
Mass media literacy can form critical
thinking skill of Civic Education students. This skill has become main asset
for them to bring various opinions in mass media. This is seen from the skills possessed by
Civic Education students in interpreting, analyzing, evaluating a news in right
way started from the topic, content until conclusion, so it can save their
commonsense from the news containing tribal, racial and religious issues and
among classes as well as hoax in mass media.
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